Monday, October 22, 2012

coltan, affected by media

Is it possible to have a world wide issue that has not been informed by media? I believe it is not possible. Any issue that may sound interesting to more than a small percentage of people may be posted into a mass media comunicator. Coltan may sound as an exception, because it has caused so many problems that media companies dont want to interfer in this issue. They dont want to become part of the 1500 persons that die daily because of this war.
In the image below, we can see the demographic map of death in Congo, due to the Coltan effects.

Even though Congo does not faces only the coltan effects, but also the internal conflicts, Coltan mining causes more than 1500 deaths daily, either because of slavery and hard work or radiation in the extraction.

The social impact that the mining of Coltan is causing is getting to a severe point where people in Congo are not able to live healthy more than 16 years, and at this point it has caused more deaths than second world war.

How is it possible that such a huge issue as this one has not had the attention that the second world war had? Or even less important events have more attention than this one.
The reason is so selfish that it is as simple as understanding the humans ambitions.
90% of every electronic device that we use to comunicate and to spread mass comunication issues use coltan for their energy power sources.
Do you really think that companies as Samsung, Sony, Blackberry, are going to sell you a product by telling you the amount of people that have died to produce it, or the amount of water they used to extract the mineral that is making your device work? Not really. They just tell you the amount of hours it can last with one charge, or the speed of the internet it can carry, but obviously, they are not going to tell you the dark side of every electronic device they sell.
How much do you pay for a Blackberry? I think that is enough to buy not only the coltan to produce it, but also the media to prevent the spread of this type of information filtering all over the world wide web.

This is how Coltan can affect mass comunication, but also the way mass comunication affects coltan,.. or at least tries to affect it, without having any positive result.

1 comment:

  1. Simon, this is an interesting idea and you have added a post since the last time we talked. The peer review section is going to be key for you as grammatical errors are affecting the flow of your piece, so, take on board the suggestions that someone gives you tomorrow and then you will be ready to publish on time on Thursday evening.
