Monday, October 15, 2012

How does Media affects a Global Isssue?

During the last seventeen years, Coltan has been extracted from different regions of the world, but the place that has the worse effects has been the Democratic Republic of Congo.
This country has suffered different internal conflicts, but more often related to the control of lands and minery.
Different etnic groups want to have the control of the products extracted from the lands, and for this, they have to fight against the other groups that are looking for the same power.
The problem is that coltan is not a cheap mineral that can be found everywhere. It has an exponential increase in value, and also in price.
The demand is the main reason that the price increases, but also the difficulty of extracting and obtaining the mineral.

The following table shows the amount of Coltan extracted each year in each of the countries in metric tons.

metric tons of tantalum mined
D.R. Congo10168611----NANA1306030152033147110087
Africa, excl.
DR Congo
1990-1993: U.S. Geological Survey, "1994 Minerals Yearbook" (MYB), "COLUMBIUM (NIOBIUM) AND TANTALUM" By Larry D. Cunningham,
Table 10; 1994-1997: MYB 1998, Table 10; 1998-2001: MYB 2002, p. 21.13; 2002-2003: MYB 2004, p. 20.13; 2004: MYB 2008, p. 52.12;
2005-2009: MYB 2009, p. 52.13. USGS did not report data for other countries (China, Kazakhstan, Russia, etc.) owing to data uncertainties

As we can see in the table, the demand of this mineral increased in a low rate during 1990's, but in 2000, there was a tendency that said that the electronic devices were going to have a great jump in advance, therefore, more coltan was going to be needed. Countries exploited their coltan in a more intense way, increasing the amount of coltan per year at a higher rate.
furthermore, after 2006, the demand of coltan decreased, leading to a decrease in its mining.

Plot of global mined tantalum production, 1990–2009, for World, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo, and the rest of Africa.

We have seen the mining of the coltan and the data that shows how real this problem is, but we haven't seen the real impact is has brought to the different comunities, and the impact that media has within this topic.
First of all, "Impact" is not necesarily related to harmful consequences. We can't evade the fact that we all use electronic devices, and that they have done some works easier, especially regarding to comunication.
But, on the other hand, we have the socio-cultural impact, the wars, the millions of deaths. "As every rose, it has it's thorn".

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